Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Early Stages:

For my first blog, I will be explaining a few things based mainly on preparation. First, I set up my micro-aquarium by adding multiple samples of the water source 10 ( which was water from underneath a cemetery). I set up my micro-aquarium by taking water from the bottom, the middle layer, and the top layer. I filled my micro-aquarium all but a 1/4 inch from the top (in order to leave room for plants). I then added plant samples from both the A and B dishes to my aquarium. These plants will photosynthesize and help new organisms grow in the aquarium. I viewed barely any organisms the first day, but nonetheless there were still some. One was moving in a random pattern, single-celled, abundant near the soil and green in color. The second was stationary, clear, single-celled, and also preferred to be around the soil. The third, was also single-celled, preferred next to the plant, non-green, and moved in a whip like pattern. This is how my experiment has progressed thus far. Information about water source obtained from

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