Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week Three

This week with the addition of the beta-food pellat, the organisms seem to thrive off the new food. The number of the organisms has at least tripled since last week and I am starting to observe at least 15 different types of organisms. For the first time, the organisms seemed to roam more freely, rather than staying closer to the soil. They are all shapes and sizes, mostly protozoa or other smaller organisms. The food source is a carbon source I was told. Next week the food will be gone, and the only food left will be themselves and I am curious to observe what changes will occur.

The Above Picture is a Choleochaete- it is a photosynthetic algae that is more closely related to higher plants than most other algae.
Bold H C, Wynne M J. Introduction to the Algae. Englewoo Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1985. 177-178 p.

The above picture is a Gastrotrich- it is a very small protozoa that rather than swim, glides thru the water or environment.
Patterson D J. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. Washington, D.C.: Manson Publishing; 1992. 28 p.

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