Monday, November 8, 2010

4th on the 4th

My fourth observation took place on the 4th of November. I started by observing the micro-aquarium with the naked eye. The water seemed much clearer and the plants seemed to have lightened in color. Only 1-2 organisms were visible without the use of a microscope as opposed to the previous week where there was at least 10. The soil had also lightened up. The biggest difference was that the aquarium seemed not as lively as before. Most likely due to the food pellat running out. Under the microscope I only witnessed one to two different types of organisms. Incredible change from last week as I saw at least 15 different types of organisms. This week they were mostly diatoms with other single-cell organisms. The plants and their leaves seem to be somewhat deteriorating as well. One major change was the location of the organisms. They tended to reside mostly at the soil before but now they are moving around freely, most likely due to their search for food.

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